I have been knocked down, yet again! But, I’m not out, I’m never out! So, this pandemic is super crazy and the “Stay Home” order has present me with a few setbacks. Shocking, right?
The good news is that I’m gonna keep on trucking, I can’t film any actual episodes because my assistant (Sir Dave) is staying home these days, like he’s supposed to. Sad, I know…but it is what it is. Before the pandemic we were able to get some test, filming done. Clip Below.
I have to say, it went horribly, we clearly don’t know what we are doing, but that is the point of a test filming, to learn stuff like making sure your mic is on (yup we filmed a whole ten-minutes with the sound off) and get more comfortable in front of the camera.
I still believe this will be our year and I’m working on some workarounds until everyone is back on set. One of those are quick videos of me making my lunch as I’m current working from home like a lot of people are. They won’t be too fancy just some shaky phone cam of me figuring what I want to eat and whipping it up.
I also have an animation/slideshow I will be uploaded soon explaining just what a “Casual Vegetarian” is and how it differs from a pescatarian. It’s should be cute.
And few you of you will be getting a link to the full test footage for some laughs and much needed feedback, look for that in the coming weeks.
Well, that’s all the updates I have for now, please stay safe and healthy during these historic times.
Laters and you can always hit me back with questions and things you’ve been cooking,
Kisha Helena